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Find out more about how your hall operates

Claudia Parsons is run by your Committee.

Your Claudia Parsons Committee meets every week to discuss matters relating to the hall and the university. These meetings are chaired by the Hall Chair and Vice Chair.


To get involved in the committee, you can run for election. The positions are elected for 1 year terms in rotation, with half up for election in November and the other half in February.

Don't forget to follow us on social media @cplboro!

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See more about your hall is run through our governing documents and minutes. Everything that your committee does is documented, so you can take a look at what we get up to, and how we spend your Subs.

Our Constitution

Claudia Parsons' Constitution contains the set of governing rules and principles that the Hall, its Committee, and members must follow. It provides everyone with an operational framework to achieve the objectives set out by the Hall Chair, and describes how the Hall works and how it makes decisions.


It also contains various policies which the Hall has subscribed to and which it will abide by, including health and safety policies and other University regulations. It is annually reviewed by the Hall Vice Chair and the committe to ensure that it is up-to-date and relevant. The paragraphs are the overarching governing procedrure for the hall, and any changes must be approved by the Commitee, and later by the membership at a Hall General Meeting.


The first version of the Constitution was developed by the Hall Chair in collaboration with the University Warden Team and Loughborough Students' Union, and was incoprporated on the 5th May 2019.


The Claudia Parsons constitution and Policies - Revision 1.3 (June 2023)

The Claudia Parsons Constitution and Policies - Revision 1.2 (September 2020)

The Claudia Parsons Constitution and Policies - Revision 1.1 (August 2019)

The Claudia Parsons Constitution and Policies - Revision 1.0 (May 2019)

Committee Meetings

Claudia Parsons Committee meets weekly in the Claudia Parsons Common Room. To raise a motion please contact the Hall Chair.


Annually, the meeting will have a General Meeting (with Emergency General Meetings called as and when required) with the entire hall in attendance. 


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