Your Campus and Sustainability rep will do everything to promote all areas of sustainability around the hall and make sure wedo our part to remain Green, in what is one of the most environmentally sustainable halls in the country!
University Sustainability
The University is committed to acting in a socially responsible way that maximises its positive impact and minimises its negative impact on society and the communities in which it is based.
Initiatives such as the Loughborough Cup help to ensure the university moves in a green direction and helps the environment in the best way it can! You can follow the University Sustainability team on Twitter.
What we do
Your Campus and Sustainability Rep will run events in the hall throughout the year to help promote environmentally friendly options, and are always pushing to ensure all of our hall activities comply with what is best for the environment! They will also promote Union-run events such as the Stashion Show and other green initiatives run by the university.
Green League
The Green League is an inter-hall competition which has been run in the halls of residence since 2006.
The Green League is just like any other Inter Hall Competition such as Rag or IMS. The Green League also counts towards Hall Of The Year, making it more important to excel in the league. In addition, through the Green League up to £750 can be won towards your halls Rag total!
The league rewards halls for environmentally sustainable behaviour. It is measured through three streams:
Reducing your halls energy usage in comparison to the baseline year,
The percentages of waste correctly recycled,
The proactivity of the hall and its students.
The Lboro Cup
Campus and Sustainability Representative
Industrial Design